Vision Statement to Goals

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Worksheet: From Vision Statement to Goals

The following is a discussion sheet for use with several groups of city leaders (pastors, businessmen, activists) until clarity begins to emerge, and a clear consensus about the goals.  Begin with the general vision statements.

Dreams: Resources Needed to Take the City?

Based on your data for city population and analysis of geographical and ethno-linguistic communities (see research section), what would God possibly wish to do to reach the city? 

·        Growth: How many Christians? churches? house church leaders? denominations are needed?

·        Training: Bible Schools? What kind of churchplanter's training center? urban ministry training center?  

·         Internal resources:  Who is helping who?  Who could help who?

·        External resources: Is there a place for calling for help from the outside?  On what conditions?

Current Trends

Analysis of contextual factors affecting the task.

·        What are the major movements spiritually impacting the cities of the region?

·        What are the socio-economic dynamics impacting the cities?

Priority Tasks to Fulfill the Dream

Appointment of a  City Coordinator

·        Discuss who has the vision, and logistical base for coordinating

Major Events

·        What major processes and events need to occur

·        Discuss when would be ideal for a cities leaders consultation or similar integrating event?  Who could  host it? 

Pre - Consultations:  

·        What publications would be necessary?

·        A research coordinator?  Who can do complete analysis of the church and peoples in the city?

·        Discuss the cooperation chart worksheet  in this manual.

Long Range Measurable Goals

Prepare a one page statement starting with your vision, moving to specific goals and listing some key activities. 

·        City coordinator to refine this in consultation with other city leaders in the region and expand it into the national  plan.

·        How do national movements assist?

 Defining the Vision Statement

Now go back and revise your statement. A possible approach:   

·        "By the year ______ A.D. to fully evangelize the city (or "to transform our city"), based on __________ resources, we ask God to _____"


·        A church in each community. Number?

·        A movement of churches in every major language. How many movements? 

·        A movement among the rich? in slums?  in each major business sector?   How many churches?

·        w Saturation Evangelism: How much literature?  What kind of evangelism?

·        Unity and  Prayer

·        Revival Movement among Christians - in which Christian sectors?

·        Lay Leadership training - How? A center? How many lay workers? Lay Preachers?         Cell Leaders?

·        Economic Stability of Christians?

·        A resource base for city wide processes - in-city?  In-country?  Internat'l? Personnel, ideas, finances?

·        Transformation of Society: which areas of need? which city structures?

·        Go back and revise  original goals

Action Plans  

·        Based on  the vision for your city, write down goals and key steps

·        Break these goals down on a chart into yearly milestones and activities. 

·        This should include a quarterly newsletter.  Who can do this?

Structure to Carry Out the Plans

·        Which existing structure is currently responsible for the vision?

·        Which structure could carry it through the next five years?

·        Who are possible steering committee members?

·        How could there be representation of various sectors?

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 © Viv Grigg and the Encarnação Alliance Training Commission
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Last updated: 05/15/09.